How to setup Jira Start/End date custom fields

How to add start date and end date in Jira

  • 1
    Log in to ActivityTimeline dashboard
  • 2
    Administration -> Issues -> Custom Fields -> Add Custom Field;
  • 3
    Select 'Date Picker' as custom field type then click 'Next' button;
  • 4
    Choose a name like "Planned Start Date" then click 'Create' button;
  • 5
    Associate that field with ALL screens: Select all screens then click 'Update' button;
  • 6
    Perform the same operation for the second custom field:
    "Planned End Date".
Important: Make sure you have Jira custom fields for Jira start date (Planned Start) and End dates already created (Date Picker type). Otherwise, you will not be able to unschedule Jira tasks.
Select Issues settingsCreate custom fieldSelect Data PickerConfigure Date Picker FieldImage Planned Start Date

How to map ActivityTimeline's start/end dates to Jira custom fields

  • 1
    Make sure you have Jira custom fields for Planned Start/End dates already created (Date Picker type);
  • 2
    Click 'Configuration' field in menu at the left corner of the main Dashboard screen;
  • 3
    Click on 'Jira Integration' field;
  • 4
    Select 'Planned Start Date' and 'Planned End Date' Jira custom fields from drop down menus
  • 5
    Click 'Update' button;
  • 6
    Click on 'Issues' menu and perform 'Full Synchronization' to load new issues data (if planned start/end date custom fields have values in Jira);
  • 7
    That's it.
Note: Previously set start/end dates of the Jira issues might be reset in ActivityTimeline after sync.


  • 1
    Problem: You see the following error message when updating (scheduling) issues on ActivityTimeline dashboard
    ERROR updating ABC-1234 issue. {"customfield_10010":"Field 'customfield_10010' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown.","customfield_10011":"Field 'customfield_10011' cannot be set. It is not on the appropriate screen, or unknown."}
  • 2
    Solution: Verify that Planned Start/End Date custom fields are added to Jira Issue Edit Screen of every Jira Project managed on ActivityTimeline dashboard.
  • 3
    If there are other fields listed like assignee or duedate then they should be added to the screens as well.
  • 4
    Basically, if the same user logs into Jira then he/she should be able to edit (change values) of all those fields (Planned Start Date, Planned End Date, Assignee and Due Date).
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