Resource Management
The resource or user in ActivityTimeline is considered anyone present within the application (basically everyone with an active Jira license). Users can be associated with different User Roles, Positions, and Skills that will determine their permissions within the system as well as add them some meta-data to allow better resource planning.
You can access the list of all your resources in ActivityTimeline Configuration->Users:

Team Management
There are 2 types of Teams in ActivityTimeline: Classic and Functional (Dynamic). The difference behind these 2 teams is the way how they are formed and maintained:

Personal Timeline
At the very core of ActivityTimeline lies the approach of individual timelines, as we believe the proper allocation of the available resources is the key to effective planning and management of the team in the current world of an ever-increasing workload.
Each resource within the application has its own individual timeline, where tasks that are assigned and scheduled to the resource are displayed.

Team Timeline
You can switch between ‘User’ and ‘Teams’ using the dropdown on the top panel:

Jira Tasks
The backlog of all the tasks is available for users on the left panel in the ‘Plan’ view, where users can see and search for needed issues:

Local Events

Workload Management
The easiest way to check the workload is to see the workload indicator that is available under each resource:

Capacity Management

Red color - overloaded, Yellow - underloaded, Green - perfect👌

Jira Time Tracking (Worklogs)
Worklogs can be displayed on the timeline and are taken into account in workload calculation for past and current periods, also it’s possible to configure the system to allow work logging into the future days (switched off by default).