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Bulk Reschedule of Jira Tasks

Bulk Reschedule of Jira Tasks

Have you ever had an urgent task that appeared from nowhere and needed to be assigned ASAP?

July 19, 2024
min read
Bulk Update Jira tasks
Kate Bulei | ActivityTimeline's Blog Author
Kate Bulei
Marketing Content Manager
In this article

Have you ever had urgent Jira tasks that appeared from nowhere and needed to be assigned ASAP? Or did you receive a morning call from your teammate telling that he/she is ill and won’t be available for the next couple of days so that you need to move all the task to another resource?

It’s a common situation and we cannot predict everything. In such cases, we need to act quickly. Managers need to free up space for some urgent Jira tasks that just appeared or reassign tasks on Jira timeline to another person because the current assignee is unavailable.

With ActivityTimeline, which provides a possibility of Bulk Rescheduling, this task is not a headache anymore! Such a feature is very useful as it helps to save time and make bulk actions in several clicks.

Bulk Reschedule allows to reschedule, unschedule or reassign Jira tickets, bookings, placeholders, and notes that are visible on timelines of the dashboard with one single operation.

This can be used if:

  • projects are getting delayed or moved forward
  • some urgent work appeared and you need to move previous Jiratasks forward/backward
  • an employee has taken unexpected sick leaves or day-offs and you need to reassign his/her Jira tasks quickly.

To shift related items on the timelines forward or backward and thus bulk update Jira tasks, you will have to:

  1. Click on the specific user and choose a Bulk Reschedule option on User Card
  2. Choose a desirable action –  move forward or backward
  3. Specify the User to which issues are related
  4. Specify the Project to which issues are related
  5. Specify the Period in From and To fields which issues should be covered
  6. Specify the Type of issues
  7. Select exact Items

The system will move all current Jira issues and events starting from the first visible day on the screen by one day, or one day back (depending on the option clicked). It will include all JIRA Issues and Placeholder, Booking, and Note types.

The system also respects the weekends.

Bulk Reschedule is available not only for the specific user but also for the whole team! In order to move scheduled Jira tasks for the specific team, find a tab “Extra” on the Left Panel and choose a Bulk Reschedule option. After that, just specify the Team, not the specific User.

In case, when the user got sick you need to reassign some work, take the following actions:

  1. Open User Card and click on the Bulk Reschedule
  2. Choose an action “Reassign to” and choose a new assignee
  3. Specify the Team or User to which issues are related
  4. Specify the Project to which issues are related
  5. Specify the Period in From and To fields which issues should be covered
  6. Specify the Type of issues
  7. Select exact Items

Bulk Reschedule is available not only for the specific user but also for the whole team! To move scheduled Jira tasks for the specific team, find a tab “Extra” on the Left Panel and choose a Bulk Reschedule option. After that, just specify the Team, not the specific User to bulk update Jira tasks.

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