11 Jira Tips and Tricks: How to use Jira effectively?

11 Jira Tips and Tricks: How to use Jira effectively?

Are you trying to figure out how to use Jira effectively? Jira is a popular project management tool that helps you to manage and track your projects. With Jira, you can create and organize tasks, assign them to team members, and track their progress.

August 17, 2024
min read
11 Jira tips and Tricks to use it effectively
Kate Bulei | ActivityTimeline's Blog Author
Kate Bulei
Marketing Content Manager
In this article

Are you trying to figure out how to use Jira effectively? Jira is a popular project management tool that helps you to manage and track your projects. With Jira, you can create and organize tasks, assign them to team members, and track their progress.

In this blog post, we’ll be discussing 11 Jira tips and tricks to help you use the software more effectively. We’ll be discussing how to optimize your workflow, set up projects, and manage tasks more easily.

Jira Tips and Tricks for Beginners

A good project manager understands that keeping the team organized and on track with the project can be a daunting task. With so many tasks, tasks, and deadlines to manage, it can be overwhelming. Fortunately, Jira is an excellent project management tool that can make staying organized and on-task much easier. Here are some Jira tricks and tips for beginners on how to use it effectively.

Get to know the interface

The built-in Jira capabilities and Jira interface is designed to make finding the information you need easy. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the various screens and features of the interface so that you can quickly access the information you need. For example, the Jira dashboard page is a great way to get an overview of your projects and tasks.

Jira Dashboards

Plan and organize your projects

Jira is a great project management tool that helps project teams with maximizing productivity. Before you start working on a project, it’s important to manage project settings, and create a project board with a backlog - plan out the tasks, set up task statuses assign them to the appropriate stakeholders, and set deadlines. These Jira quick tips will help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the project is completed on time.

There is a wide range of project templates for project managers ( including classic projects and agile projects ):

Plan and organize your projects

It’s also important to set up the project permissions so that each team member only has access to the tasks and information they need.

Use labels

Among other Jira tips for project managers and team members to use on daily basis are labels, which are a great way to organize and categorize your tasks. They allow you to quickly group similar tasks together, so you can easily identify what needs to be done. Labels can also be used to indicate the status of tasks, such as “To Do”, “In Progress”, and “Done”.

Use labels in jira

Use custom fields

Among other interesting Jira tips and tricks are custom fields.

Custom fields are a great way to add additional information to your tasks and projects. For example, you can add custom fields for budget information, due dates, or other relevant data. This can be a great way to ensure that all of the necessary information is tracked and available.

Estimate task duration

The built-in time tracking feature allows estimating task duration, so it is an important part of Jira. This helps you to create more accurate timelines and plan out your project more efficiently. To make sure your estimates are as accurate as possible, it’s important to consider all the different tasks that need to be completed, as well as the resources available.

Estimate task duration

Prioritize tasks

Useful tips for project managers also include prioritizing tasks, as it is essential for successful Jira management. This helps you stay on track and focus your efforts on tasks that are most important to the project. You can prioritize tasks based on their importance, how long they will take, or the resources needed to complete them.

Prioritizing tasks is a key element to successful project management, and Jira provides a great way to do just that. The platform offers a default set of five priorities - highest, high, medium, low, and lowest - that can be used as is or customized to fit the needs of your team or project. This is a great way to ensure everyone on the team understands which tasks to complete first and is an invaluable tool for streamlining project workflow.

Prioritize tasks

Automate tasks

Task automation is also among the useful Jira tips and tricks. Jira’s automation feature can save you a lot of time and effort. Automated tasks can be set up to run on a regular basis or when certain conditions are met. This can help you stay on top of tasks without having to manually check them.

Try keyboard shortcuts

Jira keyboard shortcuts are designed to help users quickly navigate the Jira platform. These shortcuts allow you to access commonly used features and actions quickly. They take place among the most useful Jira tips.

keyboard shortcuts

You may find a list of keyboard shortcuts here.

Jira Software Tips and Tricks to use it Effectively in Project Management

Jira software is an extremely powerful and versatile tool for project managers. It is used by teams in a variety of industries, from software development to marketing, and is popular due to its scalability and wide range of features. It is important for every professional project manager to understand how to effectively use Jira in order to maximize its potential. So we will provide a little bit more Jira advanced tips and tricks in the following paragraphs.

Generate reports

Another convenient feature is generating reports on Jira issues and Jira projects. This can help you monitor progress and identify any bottlenecks quickly.

One of the most important aspects of using Jira software is understanding the different report types available. Reporting is essential for project managers to be able to track progress and identify areas for improvement.

Jira offers a variety of standard Jira built-in reports such as burndown report, and issue velocity charts, as well as other customizable reports.

Generate reports

Take advantage of integrations

Integrations between different platforms are important because they enable businesses to streamline their operations, save time and money, and increase efficiency. By connecting different platforms, businesses can more easily share information, automate processes, and access data across different systems. This can lead to improved customer service and greater insights into customer behavior and preferences.

Jira has a number of integrations, that can help you save time and make it easier to manage projects. You can integrate Jira with other applications, such as Slack, Gmail, and Dropbox, to streamline your workflow and make it easier to collaborate with your team.

Monitor your team's workflow and performance

Monitoring your team's workflow and performance is important because it allows you to identify areas of improvement and ensure that everyone on the team is working efficiently and effectively. It also helps you to identify any potential issues before they become larger problems and make sure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals, which improves communication among team members.

Usually, a project manager has multiple projects in progress and organizes the activities of many teams, so sometimes it can be difficult to keep an eye on everything. PMs always need a comprehensive picture of who is doing what and when it will be done. Jira helps with that, but what is more important, Jira offers integration with third-party plugins (available for Jira Cloud and Jira Data Center) that can make your project management and planning even more effortless and time-saving. Users may find these plugins in the Atlassian Marketplace.

We can take as an example a Jira integration with the resource planning & tracking tool Activity Timeline. The tool provides a comprehensive overview of different projects, teams with users, and Jira issues with the help of the timelines visible on the planning dashboard.

Here you can find a variety of custom filters for advanced search, the ability to create new tasks, or assign existing ones, monitor activity on project tasks, plan for the short-, and long-term periods, and manage workload in order to prevent employees from work over, or underload:

Monitor your team's workflow and performance

All of the detailed overview data is visible on the dashboard and is fully synchronized with Jira and vice versa.

Activity Timeline also provides built-in features, such as a personal dashboard where users can see only their tasks and projects, scheduled for days per week, or other periods, as well as other activities (such as logged hours, vacations, holidays, sick leaves, meetings, etc.)

Individual task planning and workload tracking

Time-tracking features are also included as there is a possibility for users to log their worked hours. After that project managers can create timesheets based on the Jira data as shown in the following timesheet screenshot of software developers' logged hours. Timesheets can be exported as an Excel file:


The app provides a wide variety of reports, that supplement Jira reports. The Activity Timeline reporting section is quite expanded. Here users can find the different issue, resource, project reports, etc. All of them can be exported as an Excel file.

ActivityTimeline Reports

Final Thoughts

To wrap things up, Jira is a great tool for teams that want to create and manage projects quickly and easily. With the help of these Jira tips and tricks, you can improve your Jira experience and make sure that your projects are running smoothly. With the right quick tips for Jira integration, you can take your team’s productivity to the next level.

Keep exploring productivity tips to use on daily basis & different ways to use Jira, and you’ll be amazed at the projects you can create, as well as the goals you can achieve.

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Frequently Asked Questions

¿Cuánto tiempo se necesita para dominar Jira?

Dominar la herramienta de gestión de proyectos de Jira requerirá práctica, paciencia y dedicación. Por lo general, se necesitan unas semanas para dominar los aspectos básicos de Jira. Con más experiencia, uso y consejos y trucos útiles de Jira, los usuarios pueden avanzar en Jira en unos meses.

¿Cuál es la característica más destacable de Jira?

Jira es una herramienta de administración de proyectos que se usa para rastrear, organizar y administrar tareas y proyectos dentro de una organización. La característica más destacable de Jira es su flexibilidad. Está diseñado para ser altamente personalizable, de modo que los equipos puedan adaptar Jira a sus necesidades y procesos únicos. Esto incluye cosas como la personalización del flujo de trabajo, la creación de campos personalizados y la integración con otras herramientas.

¿Cuál es el nivel de dificultad asociado a Jira?

Para los principiantes, una herramienta poderosa como Jira puede ser de relativamente fácil a moderadamente difícil. Las tareas más básicas, como crear problemas, asignarlos a personas y hacer un seguimiento del progreso, son relativamente sencillas. Sin embargo, las funciones más avanzadas, como la configuración de campos personalizados, la creación de flujos de trabajo personalizados y la implementación de la automatización, pueden resultar más complicadas.

¿Cuáles son los tres componentes de Jira?

Jira es un software de seguimiento de problemas que se utiliza en la gestión de proyectos para maximizar la productividad. Se compone de tres componentes principales: seguimiento de problemas, gestión de proyectos e informes.

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